Friday, August 16, 2024

You Can Know The Truth! by Myra Boozer

What should we be concerned about TODAY? Truth is a major issue that keeps getting twisted into lies and more lies. Some things just get swept under the rug while others continue to be proclaimed from the rooftop. The bottom line is that we need Truth to prevail. The more we seek Truth, the more we can recognize lies when they are presented.

There is so much deception in our world. Everyone seems to have their own song and dance routine. They dance to a different beat. Sometimes that beat is unsure, not clear, just not accurate, but because it is their drum and their inspiration they continue to beat.

It is time for us to find the Master Conductor and fall at His feet, so that we may receive the correct notes and play the sound that the world needs to hear.  No, everyone does not play the same notes and sometimes everyone stops for that loud sound of the cymbal. In the scope of a beautiful masterpiece, everyone follows the conductor.

No one should be alone to play whatever sound he desires to play.  All are united to play what the Master says to play. It is time to get alone with the Master and know what He wants from us. As the Church, we need to be playing His beautiful symphony. That is not what we are hearing, but if every Child of God will listen to the Conductor it can happen quickly.

There is a change in the air for the people of God.  God is stirring hearts and bringing us into the unity of prayer. Prayer for repentance as a whole and prayer for the lost because our time is coming to a close. Our open window may be closing soon and there are still many who are not saved. It is time to pray! When we pray in fervency the windows of Heaven open and prayers will be answered...the Truth will be heard, souls will be saved, the work will be done, and the Bridegroom will come for His Bride! You Can Know The Truth! 

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