Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Light Of Your Presence!

Lord Jesus, thank you for the dawn of a new day. Now, it is time to turn to the task at hand. What do you have for your children today? What do you have that we should share with others? Lord, fill us with your WORD so that the overflow is charged with redemption and deliverance. Oh! Come Holy Spirit of God and inhabit every thought, word, and activity. Sanctify us afresh as the place of YOUR habitation. Purge from the very air around us the darkness that infiltrates our world and replace it with the light of YOUR PRESENCE. We feel the intensity of the battle! The Holy Spirit within continues to struggle with the arm of the flesh, for he is ever-present. Lord Jesus Christ, help us to die once again that YOU may bring LIFE and more abundantly. Help us to say with Paul the apostle that it is not me that possesses this mortal body but it is YOU that lives here.

Your reign in our life will affect the world around us for YOUR PURPOSE. We invite you to rule the environment around us. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Come Lord, take control, lead us to the completion of our assignment here. We must share YOUR message with all men. All must have the privilege to escape the darkness. Send forth YOUR light through the WORD of your mouth, penetrate and dispel the gross darkness that has invaded our land. Release YOUR Holy Spirit fire to burn away the obstructions that hold fast the lost souls of men. Set the Body of Christ ablaze that we burn so intensely that conviction and repentance are the result. May the light of your glory be reflected in our faces, in our walk, and in our message. All to the HONOR and PURPOSE of God. Even so, come Lord Jesus! Amen 

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