Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Pressing Into A New Season! by Myra Boozer

People need to know and understand that "We are made BY GOD and FOR GOD." When we come to realize THAT, everything takes on new meaning. BUT, then there are seasons in our lives, the ending of one and the beginning of another. Most of the time there is a pause, a space in between where we are in the lull and we just need NEW direction and inspiration. We need a good cleaning of our perspective. A time to know what is IMPORTANT. A time to get things in order as God would have them. There is a time for all things, a time to sow, and a time to reap. This calls for different tactics and a different approach. So, we must have this serious personal time with the Lord.

Sometimes people think that God has left them, during the lull, the space in between, but that is not so. This time is often difficult to adjust to. It sometimes appears to be a "valley." The reputation of the valley causes many to run scared. The talk about being "down in the valley," "alone in the valley," and “no sunshine in the valley.” This talk is damaging to those who are young in the Lord. They expect the worst, thinking they will never come out. It can be frightful but don't lose HOPE.

It is time for the singing of a different song...the time of shedding off the old thoughts and taking on the new vision...But, also a time of finding great comfort and restoration. In the valley, he restores our soul. He does not leave us there but when the time is fully come He will lead us out into the New Day...A NEW SEASON of our LIFE, stronger and better than before. He never forsakes us in the VALLEY. "...I will fear no evil, for thou art with me..," Psalm 23:4. Pressing into A New Season! 

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