Sunday, August 18, 2024

There Is A Storm On The Horizon! by Myra Boozer

The winds of false doctrine are building into a spiritual tornado. They are destroying every soul that has not built themselves up in the faith that was once delivered to the saints. The storm clouds gather as the gross darkness cannot hide any longer from this world. The Word tells us in Isaiah 60:2, "For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people..." As it feeds on the sinful nature that has so viciously spread through our land, it is building in momentum. It is rapidly moving in! Can you hear the distant thunder?

As a storm on the horizon, it was beautiful in its conception. The colors were vibrant and vivid. But, mixed with the Winds of False Doctrine, the spinning has begun and the loud sounds of horror have intertwined with the fierce lightning of Satan himself. Many have already been deceived and destroyed.

As they have gathered on the sea of time, the false teachers and preachers have devised their own way to get to God other than through His Son, Jesus Christ. They have tried to rebuke the winds of sorrow in their own carnal voice and have seen no results. Speaking great mysteries and giving interpretations from their own carnal voice, they have produced many different answers for our day. They build each other up in the false security that God is with them when He is not.

They teach the multitudes that they are to have all their mind can conceive in riches and wealth. They teach them that a loving God has forgiven all the sins committed in the past, present, and future. NOT SO! All sin must be repented of, as the Holy Spirit convicts the heart.

They are heaping judgment upon themselves and all who are listening to them. The book of Jude tells us we may save some with fear pulling them out of the fire. This is my sole purpose for writing this post! Maybe someone will begin to read and study the Word for themselves and not be destroyed by this great storm of DECEPTION that is sweeping over the world. There Is A Storm On The Horizon! 

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