Friday, August 23, 2024

In The Time Of A Storm! Conclusion by Myra Boozer

(for part 1 see 8/22/24)

Going through a storm is never comfortable or something we welcome but it has its rewards. Yes, you will come out stronger than when you went into the horrible situation. You will know how to pray more than you've ever prayed. You will understand God’s ways are not our ways but they are for our good. You will have more peace than before because you understand that contentment doesn't come from good circumstances or possessions but from having a pure relationship with the Lord. You will realize that you’re no longer burdened with having to figure out all the details of your life. He does that for you. You learn that joy does not come from feeling happy about situations but by knowing that all is well with your soul.

The small wonders of His great creation will make you smile and rejoice in knowing he made everything with a purpose, a plan that includes you. You will learn how amazing God really is!  He can take nothing and make something. Remember, He SPOKE this whole universe into existence. He makes the sun to shine and the world to rotate on its axis. He is ever mindful of YOU, one of His greatest creations. “TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART; AND LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS,” Proverbs 3:6-7. A promise to never forget, especially In The Time Of A Storm! 

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