Saturday, August 10, 2024

Empowered To Finish The Kingdom Work!

Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

Are we willing to allow the Holy Spirit of God to fully possess our mortal bodies and be transformed into vessels of His Presence? God is looking for willing souls given to His service and the completion of His Kingdom work! However, we must empty ourselves of self-will and submit to being poured out as the anointing oil of His Presence upon a sick and dying world. Jesus came to save that which was lost and He still wants to save and deliver lost humanity. Can we allow the Holy Ghost to invade our minds, hearts, and souls and reveal our role in His Divine Will? Are we willing to wrestle with the conflict within us as Jacob of old until God brings our deliverance and empowers us to finish His mission here? (see Genesis 32)

Can we sincerely pray this prayer? “Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us today. In this frail mortal tabernacle, we strive to become the best we can be. Possess this clay vessel and make it unto honor and glory for your Name's sake. Fill us again and again with the nectar of heaven that we may be poured out, emptied in the perpetuation of the Gospel and building up of the Kingdom of God. Refresh us in the power of your Spirit so that we may be strong, resilient, and victorious. Capture our minds, our hearts and our souls, and hold us in reserve to your Divine purpose and will. Constrain us to entertain your presence and your voice until your revelation comes. May we be like Jacob, engaged in heavenly warfare until your deliverance comes to us. Pour into us your strength, your courage, and your faith. Sustain us in this present conflict with the manna that only you can provide. Walk with us today instructing us and guiding each step we take. Open our eyes to what you are doing and where you are going. Anoint us that we may go with you to the consummation of all things and time without end. In Jesus' name! Amen.” Empowered to Finish The Kingdom Work! 

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