Thursday, August 22, 2024

What Would Jesus Do?

What would Jesus do if He were with us right now? How would He react to all the tragic events taking place in our world? What would He propose as the solution to our dilemma? If He literally walked among us today, He would behave much the same way He did when He walked the streets of Jerusalem and the shores of Galilee. He would still be calling disciples, opening blinded eyes and deaf ears, healing all manner of diseases, and raising the dead. I suppose He would still be turning the money changers out of the places of worship, chastising the religious leaders for their selfish goals, and constantly reforming the way we conduct church to ensure that the focus of our worship is the Lord God, Father of all. I suppose He would still take charge of nature by causing the winds to be still and the boisterous waves to be at peace.

What a difference He would make if He were literally, physically here with us. He would speak peace to the storms that disrupt our daily lives and take our innocent ones from us. He would speak deliverance to the captives, those captured by the destructive and perverse plans of Satan. He would open the eyes and ears of those who are imprisoned by deception and false religion. He would openly and decisively challenge the egregious behavior that has invaded His house. He would put the devil in his place by casting him out and confining him to the pit of hell.  What a difference Jesus would make!

Oh! But wait! He is here! He lives in the heart of every Spirit-filled believer in the person of His Holy Spirit. What a difference He wants to make through you and me! Let us give ourselves wholly to Him and see Him bring good tidings to the meek, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison to them that are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of our Lord. (continued) 

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