Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It Is Time!

Many voices in the Church are calling the Body of Christ to Prayer. Today, we stand at the door of one of the greatest times in human history. We dare not move forward without a full understanding of the gravity of our response to the call of God and the effect of that response upon ourselves and all that our lives might touch. Our future will be defined by what we do in this moment of our choice!

Many have already been praying! Those prayers have brought us to where we are now. But, we can't stop the prayer meetings. After 9/11 we had an opportunity to seek God and turn this nation around. But the praying didn't last. After only a few weeks we drifted back to business as usual. We cannot afford to take for granted the opportunity God is giving us! This is our last chance as a nation. Pray, Church! Pray like our lives depend on it. Because they do!

Can we pray? Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, we do here and now accept your challenge to pray in travailing prayer for our lost and broken world. We desire the Spirit of prayer to intercede. Open our spiritual eyes and ears so we can see and hear the cries of the lost, the beaten, and the debilitated.  Teach us to understand what they are facing. Guide us to see and hear them as you do. Give us the compassion and love that you have for them so that we are inspired to join in their redemption. Lift us up in the power of Your Word being fully dressed in faith to lead the captives free. Anoint us with your power that we may speak to the mountains before us and they will be moved into the sea. Let us see the prison doors spring open at the mighty thrust of Your Presence. Help us to run into the battle with such passion that others are seized with the same fervor. I can hear the sound of mighty armies engaged on the battlefield. Can we pray? It Is Time! 

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