Saturday, August 17, 2024

Redeemed By The Blood Of Jesus! by Myra Boozer

The days are evil and the storms of life are raging...The enemy has come in like a flood as it rips through our land trying to wash away every grain of truth and justice that has prevailed in our country since the beginning of her existence. Turmoil has found a landing on the steps of every home and the heart of every man, woman, and child. The winds of this world whisper, “You are alone and no one is interested in your sorrow...just forget about finding refuge in the soul of another human being...Trust only in your might, and none one cares or is able to lift you above the muddy waters of this terrible swift and raging current.”

But wait, I hear the chirping of the sparrow and see the Eagle on the highest bough...and listen to the breeze as it sings the sweetest song...Redeemed, You are have been purchased, bought with a price...counted worthy to be forgiven and you are FREE...This is no time to be discouraged...God is allowing us to build strong faith in HIM and not our circumstances. No mortal relationship can save us! We are Redeemed by the Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ! 

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