Friday, August 23, 2024

What Would Jesus Do? Conclusion

(for part 1 see 8/22/24)

What a difference the presence of the Holy Spirit makes in this spiritual conflict. He is empowering us to take back what the enemy has stolen from us. Satan has stolen the future of our priceless treasures, our heritage, our progeny and holds them before us taunting us as one might taunt a caged animal. But we must be determined not to be bound by him. By the power (dunamis - ability/can) of the Holy Spirit (pneuma – the breath of God) we are loosed and walk in freedom. Acts 2:2, “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” By the power of Almighty God the door of the prison explodes and we are FREE, FREE to bombard the gates of hell and take back ALL Satan has stolen.

We are free so that we can lead others free. Jesus came to set the captives free. As His Holy Spirit indwells us, we are free to be the visible evidence of the delivering power of God. We are free to be the God living, breathing, miraculous working possession of God. We belong to Him. No power of hell can defeat a Spirit-filled child of God. We are free in God to restore what the enemy has stolen.

What Would Jesus Do? He would do the very same thing now that He did then! Let Him do it through YOU! 

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