Thursday, August 1, 2024

Anointed For A Mission! by Myra Boozer

Do you feel you are here on planet Earth with a purpose? Or, do you feel you are just floating through with ease and comfort with a don't disturb sign hanging on your heart? What wakes you up in the morning? Is it a prayer on your heart for someone or something you might do to make this world a little easier or a little brighter? Or, is it where is my coffee? Where is my easy chair in life? Don't look at me! Don't talk to me! Don't expect to get a response from me because I am already spoken for. Life is a breeze and my mission is "Me." I hope not!

Now that I have your attention, the Bible (the greatest book on earth) teaches us that we are not our own. We have been bought with a price, the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Our "mission," like Jesus, is to do the will of the Father...all that He has laid out in His book, written by Holy men as they were inspired by the Holy Ghost.

I have been thinking of my mission as God's child, my husband's wife, my son's mother, my grand's Nana, my family's relative, my neighbor's neighbor, my church family’s spiritual relative, my lost world's watchman. Wow, this is a big responsibility and I come up short in being all I need to be for these people. But, I am coming more and more to the understanding that I can not always be what is needed or expected of me. However, I can maintain my relationship with God and let His love flow through me so I can be filled with His Spirit and His Love...So that my MISSION is His MISSION with His ANOINTING. Whatever your mission let God be your source and you will be Anointed For His Mission!

Psalm 27:1, “...The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” 

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