Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Light Of Jesus Dispels The Darkness! by Myra Boozer

I love the mornings when I open my blinds and the sun comes pouring in. It just makes my day and I rejoice in the warmth of God's love to all mankind. It is not only warm, it is beautiful and makes all things beautiful. Sometimes the clutter in my room doesn't look so challenging.

“Lord may we open the blinds of our hearts and allow you to SHINE in our world. Darkness has hovered for a night and the cries for help are getting louder. The lonely, the sick, the forsaken, and the forgotten cry out against the pit that has them bound. The prisoners held by sin cry out for freedom...Freedom to be forgiven, loved, and restored!

Who will open the blinds Lord and reveal the rays of Hope, the Light of Jesus that dispels the darkness? Who will ARISE and open the blinds, the shield that covers our windows? Lord we are given the opportunity NOW in this season to be that person to allow YOUR LIGHT to come forth. It will come with a sudden burst of great force when we allow your Spirit to direct and strengthen us. I know only the strong will do this. Help us to be STRONG IN THE POWER OF YOUR MIGHT as we ARISE like a Warrior with the Helmet of Salvation, the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit.

Help us Lord to equip ourselves with your Armor for the challenge before us...Our world is in great need of your LIGHT, the Light that dispels all darkness. Help us to be your hands reaching the lost and your feet to carry the "GOOD NEWS”...our mouth to speak Your Word which is Truth...that it will set the captive free, heal the sick, and bind up the brokenhearted...Lord Jesus help us, your Children, to Arise at your command...Amen!” The Light Of Jesus Dispels The Darkness! 

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