9:6, “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told
thee what thou must do.”
was on his way to Damascus with documents to imprison followers of Jesus
Christ. This text recounts Saul’s response to his Divine Encounter with Jesus
on the road that day. Saul had his own objective but God had a different path
planned for him. It took a Divine Revelation to change him and the direction he
was going. Confronted with the Presence of Jesus Christ, his response was,
“Lord, what would you have me do?” We would do well to seek God for the same
attitude of submission that we could proclaim, “Lord Jesus, what would you have
me do?
help us to yearn for Your Divine Presence and the Revelation of Your Truth!
Lord Jesus, open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to hear Your voice today!
We need a revelation of Your plan. We are not seeking an understanding by this
mortal flesh. We are seeking Divine revelation of the Word of God. The same
revelation that the Old Testament prophets experienced as they walked in
obedience and depended upon the impartation of Your instruction and anointing
to bring the relevant Word from God to the people of God. The same revelation
that the New Testament apostles experienced as You called them out and set them
apart to be Your voice for Your message to a world in crisis, lost, and without
hope except for Jesus' sacrifice.
Holy Spirit take charge of this mortal flesh! Lead us along the correct path to receiving God's revelation and understanding of His Word relevant to where we are today. We are not seeking insight built upon human understanding because that is empty and fruitless. The revelation of Your truth surpasses all human understanding and is far above this world's knowledge. The hope of our heart and our soul's desire is to receive and impart Your truth. Your truth delivers the sin-sick soul, frees the shackled, and heals the wounded heart. Lord, revive Your Word afresh in our souls and lead us to those in need! Lead us Lord and we will follow wherever You open up the door! Lord, What Would YOU Have Us Do?
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