Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lord, Deliver Us From Evil! by Myra Boozer

Dear Lord, I ask that YOU help all Christians to stand strong against the evil in our world. Help us to not be shaken by what is coming and already here. We desire that nothing hinder us as we seek YOU.

May we trust YOU in these evil days. We desire to stand in the power of YOUR might against the enemy of our soul and the souls of our families. Lord may we receive wisdom to know how to share YOUR Gospel Message effectively.

Evil is on every hand trying to destroy every good work, especially the work of the righteous. Lord may we seek to be filled and overflowing with YOUR Spirit so that no evil spirit can enter our hearts.

We must rise up as Daniel and proclaim YOUR Word because it is the power unto salvation. God, Your Word tells us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We stand on that truth! It tells us that we are made over-comers by YOUR blood and the word of our testimony.

We proclaim YOUR Word is truth! We cast our cares on YOU and delight ourselves in YOU. May faith continue to arise in our hearts as we send praises to YOUR throne. Deliver Us From Evil for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory...Forever...Amen 

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