Friday, August 2, 2024

A Light In Darkness! by Myra Boozer

It used to be when we went to Church, many of the husbands and dads that weren't living right (still sinning) would stay outside and talk and smoke. They knew the power of God and the convicting Spirit of the Holy Ghost would have them in the altar if they went inside.

This was back in the 50's and 60's and there was no air conditioning. The windows were raised and many times you could see some hanging around the windows. God's power was so strong and the altars would fill up with people calling out to God to forgive them. Thankfully even as a young child, I knew that God was in the HOUSE and I yielded to the bidding of His convicting power.

Yes, I backslid, but not for long periods. We were taught to go back and do our first works over. Repent and be baptized again. I was taught never to be a hypocrite (one who pretends to be something they are not).

If ever anything turns the world off to Christianity it is that very thing, for the Church to claim something they are NOT! God help us all to get real with God and with others and be the people we say we are. God's people, His Holy people, the Redeemed of the Lord, the Sanctified, The Church of the Living God.

Some have said you can't blame the sinner for not coming to the Lord. You must blame the Church for not being THE CHURCH. The Church is to be a light set on a hill for all to see the Love of God and to experience his forgiveness. But also to be A Light In Darkness to guide people to His TRUTH.

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