Saturday, August 31, 2024

Jesus Will Return When The World Least Expects It!

Matthew 24:44, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”

Today, we stand at the door of the most important event in our lifetime. We are preparing for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our challenge is to make ready the bride to be united with the bridegroom. She will be chaste, pure, and an undefiled virgin bride prepared for her husband.

The external forces in our world are pressing in upon the boundaries of holiness and righteousness that are firmly established in God's Holy Word. The ideals of a carnal theology have infiltrated the pulpit and diluted the faith that was once delivered to the saints. But the Holy Spirit is the keeping power of the Body of Christ. He will lead and guide us into the Truth of His Word and sustain us until He comes!

Many voices are claiming to speak for God. Although God uses human vessels to share His message, we need to know Him for ourselves. We must know God through an intimate relationship and hear directly from Him by the Holy Spirit. God will speak to His children and give us the guidance that we need!

The Holy Spirit and the Word will teach us the Truth. The Holy Spirit will help us understand the events we see taking place in our world every day. When we read God's warnings in His Word and see the events around us lining up with the Word, we must conclude that we are living in the End Time and approaching the culmination of all things. The Body of Christ will be ready and waiting for Christ’s return, but the world will not be prepared! Which group do YOU belong to? 

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