Monday, August 12, 2024

God Knows The Best Way! by Myra Boozer

A few years ago our two granddaughters were playing so sweetly together. All of a sudden, I heard a cry that shouldn't have been part of their play time. Then I heard the youngest say to her sister, “You're being rude because you won't let me do what I WANT to do.” This really got my attention. How childish but then again she was only 6 years old.

Even as adults we sometimes feel this way toward God. We may even say, "God, this is just not fair." We think He is not being a good Father when He doesn't give us what we WANT. Well, we are wrong! He knows what is best for His Children and He will do what is best. But, there may come a time when we refuse to do what is right and He will let us go our own way and do what we want to do.

Now, that is a scary place to be and we don't want to stay there very long. When we choose to walk away then we must choose to go back where we left God, repent with tears and do things His way. He is not going to come and say, "Child I was wrong, do what you want and everything is okay."

God will help us any time. He loves us but we must go His way not ours. "Can two walk together except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3. Are you asking God to go your way, or are you going His way?

When we walk with the Lord we learn so much about His character. We learn about His loving patience and His unending mercy. But, we also learn about His boundaries and His laws. He is not a pushover and He is not one to allow us to live reckless and ungodly lives. He is strict with His requirements of righteous living. He will discipline us and sometimes correct us with a strong hand. But, walking hand in hand with Jesus will lead us right into Heaven. That is the place we all want to live when this life is over. God Knows The Best Way to get there! 

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