Saturday, August 3, 2024

Come Up Higher! by Myra Boozer

Lord Jesus, push back the darkness that is coming against every child of God. Lord, please help us to delight in your Light and your never-ending Love. Set our feet on a clear path and give our minds and hearts a deep understanding of who you are, our creator and the Father of all mankind! You love like no other. You are our constant friend who will stand by us when the whole world is sound asleep. You are never far but always near. You come, and call us to come up higher, high above the sad and the gloom that tries to hide your love from us.

You call for us all to open our eyes and see all your beauty. You call us to know you by name and recognize your loving voice. You call us to hold your hand and know that you are our Protector. You pick us up and carry us when we can no longer walk on our own. You are the one who rescues us when the winds of evil blow across our path. You wipe our tears and wash our faces. You reassure us of who we are, and who YOU are, Our Loving Father. You will never leave us and never forsake us as You invite us to Come Up Higher! 

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