Monday, August 5, 2024

Opposition Will Come! by Myra Boozer

Do you believe that God's guidance is more important than common sense? When Corrie Ten Boom came to America years ago, after her release from Ravensbruck Prison Camp, she was asked, "Why did you come to America?" She replied, "God directed me. All I could do was obey." "That's nonsense," they answered. “There is no such thing as direct guidance from God. Experience proves we must use our common sense. If you are here and out of money, then it is your fault, not God's.” Corrie tried to argue back in God's defense. "But God's guidance is even more important than common sense. I am certain He told me to bring His message to America. I can declare that the deepest darkness is outshone by the light of Jesus." "We have ministers to tell us such things was the reply.” "Certainly, but I can tell from my experience in a concentration camp that what such ministers say is true." They replied, “It would have been better for you to have remained in Holland. We don't need any more preachers. Too many Europeans come to America. They should be stopped."

Needless to say, this was very discouraging words to Corrie. She was embarrassed and humbled. She had money in Holland but the funds could not be brought to America. MY POINT IS THIS...the world is not going to strengthen you in spiritual matters. They will let you down, even tear you down. Yes, this was coming from "church people" but they had not been where Corrie had been and received what Corrie had received. They were looking through different eyes, the eyes of reasoning and common sense, not through eyes of FAITH and TRUST.

Where is your guidance coming from today? Are you looking to the world to give you direction with their reasoning and common sense? OR, are you looking to Jesus and His word? Do you feel that calm assurance that even if all of your friends and loved ones turn away from you that you will still listen to the still small voice of the Lord and follow Him. He takes pleasure in those who do and He will keep you in all of your ways.

I had no idea that Corrie met with such rejection and opposition in America at that time but that did not stop her. Is it stopping you? 

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