Friday, July 26, 2024

Your Unfailing Love! by Myra Boozer

Jesus, help us to know you better and know your unfailing love. I ask that you show us what real love is all about. We are needy people with a misunderstanding many times of how much YOU love us. Teach us about your agape love which covers all people. You love the high, the low, the rich, the poor. Your LOVE is like a river that flows freely for one and all. You see us all the same, a people in need of a Savior.

Lord, you've created each of us with a plan, a purpose for our life and not to live an isolated life with no one to share this love you have GIVEN. Lord, your love is not about caring and then forgetting. It is pure, holy, full of mercy, and EVERLASTING.

When we come under your umbrella of authority, we come into your Kingdom and accept your Lordship. When we cast off the earthly, carnal thinking and resign all our cares to you, you become the force within us to actually love as you love. You open our eyes to see the hurt and confusion in the hearts of mankind.

“All souls are mine,” is what you said in your Word. We are to care for one and all, not just the tender and gentle but also the cold and harsh. They need to know you and you want us to love them as you love them. Help us to break down the walls of separation, walls that create solitude and loneliness, the place where lies grow and deception controls, a place of absolute misery and spiritual death without your REDEMPTION.

"Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us we ought also to love one another,"         1 John 4:10-11.

Lord, I want to sink deep into the truth you have for me today. Nothing should be as important as what you are saying to my heart. Cause me to desire to be filled with your love and mercy. May my actions show those around me your character. Lord, touch my heart with your compassion. Touch my eyes to see their needs, my ears to hear their cries, my hands to offer a healing touch, and my lips to speak your words of LIFE.

Prepare our hearts, dear Lord, for out of them will flow the most BEAUTIFUL LOVE that we can imagine, love that will cause us to pray for one another. We are FAMILY because you are our Father and we are experiencing Your Unfailing Love! 

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