Friday, July 5, 2024

The Hour Is Late! by Myra Boozer

Acts 2:17, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."

In the last days, God said He would speak through visions and dreams. We need to be so full of His Spirit that He can speak to us any way He chooses to speak and know it is Him. This is where Christians need to be able to discern between good and evil.

Satan can also speak to you, usually through people, through different cults, and cultures, and through your own fleshly desires. God is warning us to Pray by His Word and His people. He is asking us to submit, surrender, and hear what He has to say to us in this late hour. It is imperative that we know His voice!

Are people listening? It does not appear that all are! Just like the days of Noah, they went on their merry way. And just like America is doing, fussing and arguing over what is good and what is evil. These things should be settled. I would never have thought that our country would accept and promote the evil it has under the umbrella of tolerance. These things are a great distraction to what God is calling America to do...REPENT!

When will people wake up? Our hope is in the Lord! But people, many of them Christians, still trust in the arm of flesh (human understanding) to fix our world. Many think if the right political party is in control, all will be well. That is not so, even though there is a great difference between the Right and the Left. It is very clear how far from God this country has fallen.

God wants us to be filled with His Spirit and listening to His voice, obeying His commands. There will be a rude awakening one day and I feel it will be sooner than we can imagine. We must turn from the sin that so easily besets us and be covered by the Spirit and Power of His Might. God Alone Is Our Hope! Only as we are tuned into His voice can we hear what He is saying in this late hour. Yes, The Hour Is Late! 

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