Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Lord Jesus, Capture Me!

Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

Lord Jesus, today I ask you to capture my mind, capture my heart, and capture my soul. Keep me, the total me, safely in your hand. Empty this vessel of all substance except YOU. Fill me full with YOUR SPIRIT. Create fresh in me the passion, power, and deliverance of your VISION! Engage my total self to procure the desire of your heart through me. Fill this emptiness with an outflow of living water, creating a worthy vessel overflowing with your love, compassion, and generosity. Help me to feel the hurting of the precious lives that surround the place of my habitation. Flow through me to aid and comfort those who are bleeding. They are bleeding out the wonder of life because of the mortal wounds of the enemy. Help me to stop the bleeding that is draining them of the very life you give. Anoint me to bring the good tidings of YOUR Gospel to a broken world.

Oh! That your Holy Spirit in me would bind up the brokenhearted, those whose hearts have been shattered by the deceitful, insidious enemy of their soul. Lord, set at liberty those held captive, held captive by their past. Release them today from their broken dreams and failed plans. Cause them to look to YOU for their total deliverance and life in YOU. In the Name of Jesus, set them free! Break the chains and open the prisons for those who are bound. May the Holy Ghost invade the dominions of Satan with such power that the chains will disintegrate at His mere presence. May the presence of Almighty God be so powerful that the prison doors be hurled from their hinges and these eternal souls be forever set free.

Lord Jesus Christ, I pray this day for your anointing to fall heavy upon the Body of Christ, that we walk as you walked, talk as you talked, and BE as YOU ARE the LIVING BREATH OF LIFE in an otherwise lifeless world. Lord, anoint us with the message of YOUR GOSPEL that all who will hear will accept YOUR LIFE and have that LIFE most ABUNDANT. Praise to our LIVING CHRIST, in JESUS NAME! Lord Jesus, Capture Me! 

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