Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Behold The Lamb Of God! by Myra Boozer

What kind of stir do you think happened in the area of Galilee when someone yelled, "Jesus is Coming!...I just saw him, He is headed this way...Hurry, let's go and see this man that people are talking about."

I can IMAGINE, a Mother with a sick baby. Maybe it has been fretful for several days but now she feels the intense heat of its little body upon her chest. She has the baby tied in a sling around her waist and knows the chores she has been doing will have to wait. Dinner will be delayed for Jesus is coming...

I can imagine her scurrying around to make her home safe so she could leave and follow the crowd. I can feel the rush of her heartbeat as she thought...”today, I will see Jesus and He will heal my baby!” No more fear, no more anxiety over her now lifeless little one...”Today my baby will be healed!"

Because of her faith and her persistence, she set out to push her way through the now seemingly impossible gathering of people. You see, she was not the only one who believed. She and many others heard about the miracles...the lame walking, the blind seeing, the little girl raised from the dead...even the grieving Mother given back her son as Jesus passed them in the funeral procession. Yes! She knew what He could do and she had to make her way to Him regardless of the effort it took. Her baby’s life depended on it.

Are you in need of a miracle in your life or in the life of someone you know? What are you willing to do to reach Jesus? It could mean breaking free from everything that holds you captive. Getting desperate and strong in determination to go the distance. It could mean pushing through the crowd to touch Jesus, the one who can change your life or someone you love and bring hope to the hopeless situation. Jesus is the giver of life...the Great I am...the one who will take time to stop and HEAL YOU...Behold The Lamb Of God! 

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