Friday, July 12, 2024

Your Light! by Myra Boozer


Lord, I get lost without your light shining on my path.

I find I am alone and hopeless, fearful and afraid.

Your Light reveals my great need of you.

It warms my heart and fills my soul.

It opens my eyes and helps me see clearly.

It captures my interest and floods my mind.

It settles all my concerns and comforts my anxiety.

It rolls my cares right off my back.

It thrills my heart and causes me to rejoice.

It opens my mouth to sing your praise.

It drives me onward to face the new day

with peace, hope, and love.

So I mount up, as with eagle wings...

And I soar, Yes I Soar... Because of your great Light!

“The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall

I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom

shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

Allow His Light to invade your world. He will change

your heart and bring HOPE into your circumstance...

Make your deepest and darkest days filled with

the Light of His Resurrection Power...Revealing His

abundant love for you and your family...

There is a Light that forever shines...That Light brings

deliverance from all the darkness and sets you in a

position of high ascent...

You are no longer a slave to sin but adopted into

The Royal Family of God...forever and ever. Amen! 

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