Friday, July 19, 2024

Our Hope Is Jesus! by Myra Boozer

Just thinking how Satan works to paint a picture of a horrible, no-win situation in the lives of those who may be going thru a dry valley...a place where you are thirsty for a drink of spiritual water...a place where you seem to be all alone and no one seems to have time to give you an encouraging word...a time when the wall just won't come down and the Lord seems to withhold the ladder for you to climb over. And then, with everything else it's time to pay those bills and the money is low...the tears seem to flow and the heart breaks but you find that the Lord is standing in front of you holding out His hands to you...wanting to lift you from the valley and sit you on the mountain of Hope where the sun is shining and the birds are singing the song of deliverance.

It is up to you...after you pour out your heart and rid yourself of all doubt and fears...reach up to the ONE who can change that picture and give you the best drink of water you have ever had. He will tear down those walls and open doors that have been closed. His promise is for you! If you are looking down instead of looking up, God loves Him back and watch things begin to change.  

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