Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Let God Arise! by Myra Boozer

Stay close to the Lord and receive His Favor.

Trust in Him and receive His Strength.

Long for Him and receive His Glory.

Walk with Him and receive His Power.

Ask of Him and receive His Wisdom.

Listen for Him and hear His voice.

Praise Him and He will give you a Song.

Humble yourself before Him and He will exalt you.

Wait on Him with good courage and He will strengthen your Heart.

Eat at His table and you shall be filled.

Delight yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your Heart.

Submit yourself and He will wash you clean.

Give what you have and He will multiply it.

Sit at His feet and He will teach you.

Look to Him and He will show you great and mighty things.

Put your Hope in Him and you will not be disappointed.

Lift Him high and others will be drawn to Him.

Love righteousness and hate wickedness and He will anoint you with Gladness above others.

Remember Him and you will rejoice.

Let God Arise and his enemies will be scattered.

Call upon Him and He will answer you.

Seek Him and You will Find Him. 

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