Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Weapons Of Our Warfare! Conclusion

(for part 1 see 7/29/24)

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;” Paul declares that our “weapons” are not in the flesh but “mighty” in the Spirit of God so that we may participate with Him in the destruction of the “strongholds” of Satan. This is a military phrase for the capture and destruction of fortresses. Ellicott states that Paul “speaks as if leading an attack on the strong defenses of the powers of evil, possibly thinking of the great system of idolatry and impurity enthroned at Corinth and throughout the Empire, possibly of those of pride and obstinate rebellion in the hearts of his individual opponents.”

Paul knew that His task was much larger than what he could perform. He knew that the Body of Christ would need the habitation of the Holy Spirit to finish the commission given by Christ. Subsequently, we have the promise of God that as we walk in the Holy Spirit, He (Holy Spirit) will exercise His power to destroy the strongholds of Satan.

Our weapons are not carnal but spiritual. The 1st Century Church was not successful in its mission to deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world by human power and authority. These Disciples of Christ did not rely on learning or eloquence, or anything that could be attributed to human ability. Their source of power and strength was solely in Jesus Christ. God’s plan has not changed. The source of our power and strength must rest solely in Jesus Christ.

In closing, I want to ask a question. Have you pulled down any strongholds recently? If not, why not? I ask myself this same question. The source of my power and strength must rest solely in Jesus Christ. And when it does the fortresses of Satan will fall powerless in the presence of Almighty God! Bring it, Lord bring it! Help us all to die to everything that does not begin and end in You! Thank you God for considering an undeserving soul like me! 

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