Thursday, July 11, 2024

What Are You Trading Your Life For? by Myra Boozer

Matthew 13:44, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.”

Just thinking about what is important to me, you know, what really matters? Some things just don't matter! Lately, every time I say it doesn't matter, Bill starts singing "It don't matter where you bury me." Well, me either but some things really matter. What matters is not possessing many things of value but possessing the one thing of greatest value, the Kingdom of God!!! It's worth more than all the other things we could ever find.

What are you trading your life for? Day by day we usually spend our time doing what we want, working to pay bills, saving for a vacation, a new house, a new car, and on and on. But what really matters? When we come to the end of our life I don't want to find that I spent my life on "things." I don't want to find that what I traded for my life was "fool's gold," shiny, insubstantial, and ultimately worthless things. But I sought out the "pearl of great price" like the man in the parable of the treasure hidden in the field.

He knew what mattered! Do you? Whatever you have to give up to get the great treasure it will be so small compared to the treasure that is waiting on the other side. Seek ye first the kingdom, then these other things will be added. But, they will never be as important or take the place of the greatest treasure God has for you in His Kingdom...Matt. 13:44-52. 

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