Monday, July 22, 2024

Good News! by Myra Boozer

Singing the old songs and hymns can really make one homesick for Heaven and for our loved ones who are already there. Listening to these songs carries one into a place where the heart swells with love for our Lord Jesus. He is the one who has done so much for all of us...not just a few, a specific people, or a particular nationality...BUT FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE! That includes YOU...

He gave His all for YOU, whoever you are! If you're feeling lonely, forsaken, lost, and hopeless, I have good news for you. You are not forgotten! Jesus knows you by name! He desires to forgive you and heal your broken heart. He wants a relationship with you like no one you have ever known. He will be your constant companion and friend, your provider, your confidant, and your Savior. He will carry you through this life and take you to His Home when this life is over.

Just look up and give yourself in total surrender to Him. He sees every tear you cry and He knows just how you feel. You see, He too is forsaken and forgotten by so many today. Many who have in the past called Him Lord and Master have fallen into the trap of Satan. They have fallen for his lies and tried to make it without God. They are now bruised and battered by Satan. They were blinded by his influence as they were drawn away by their own lust. Some who were reaching for a higher level of fame and fortune have only fallen deeper and deeper into Satan's scheme of destruction. They are almost destroyed by this enemy, feeling rejected and hopeless.

GOOD NEWS! It isn't too late because He still knows you by name. He knows your MOTHER’S NAME AND YOUR GRANDMOTHER'S NAME. HE REMEMBERS THOSE WHO PRAYED MANY PRAYERS FOR THEIR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN and He is answering those prayers. He also knows those who had no one to pray for them. He knows where you are and HE is there with you as you read this. Fall into His arms of Mercy! It's not too late but the time to seek Him is when He is calling. If you feel Him speaking to YOUR heart, Don't delay! Answer, Yes Lord! If you don't feel HIM, Cry out until you do feel Him! "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit..." Psalm 34:18. That is the Good News! 

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