Matthew, the 25th chapter, Jesus gives parables that could help us to know what should be the priority for the child of God. First, He tells of ten virgins and at
midnight the cry was made, "Behold the Bridegroom cometh." He tells
us five were wise and five were foolish. Now what was it that made them
different? It was their lack of oil. Five ran out and asked to borrow from
those five who had oil. The wise had to answer NO. This shows us we cannot give
away what we have. Each person has to receive for themselves. When they
couldn't borrow they had to leave to find more oil and the bridegroom came
while they were gone.
verse 10, "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that
were READY went in with him to the marriage: and the door was SHUT." This
makes me think of Noah and the Ark. God shut the door to the Ark when it was
time and that was all that went in. There will be no allowances for the
procrastinators, the lazy, the apathetic, or the careless.
must be WISE and be filled with His Spirit, as the oil represents the Holy
Spirit. We must be watching and waiting. We must stay the course! No playing
around, running here and there, doing other things that can so easily beset us.
The wise virgins stayed near the door and when the bridegroom came they were
READY. So, we must constantly be Watching for His Return and Listening for His
Matt. 25:13, "WATCH therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." My heart says it won't be long until we hear the sound. Lord help us to be full and overflowing with Your Holy Spirit, Ready to leave when You Return!
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