Monday, October 7, 2024

Time To Be Very Still! by Myra Boozer

Colossians 3:15, "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful."

For quite a while now a big squirrel has perched right on the top point of the building out back. He looks like an ornament, really, he looks frozen, not moving except the wind blowing his fluffy tail. I wonder if he is angry about this weather, or maybe the stash he had for his family is depleted. I don't know, maybe he is confused by this weather. One moment the sky is sprinkling snow on us, just like you would sprinkle confectioner sugar on your French toast, then all of a sudden it stops and the sun shines so bright. You think, wow is it over, then it starts up again. That's the way of confusion and it's something we all have at times. It is hard to deal with when your prayers are still not heard and your heart is breaking for your loved ones. You began to question God, “Why the delay?”

This is the time to be very still and very quiet and just wait, just like the squirrel perched on the highest point. God can soothe all our frustrations and calm our minds. We can rest in His presence and know He loves us but we must remember sometimes He allows us a little while of "feeling all alone and confused." Don't give up and don't complain. Rest in the fact that God has it all in His hands and in His time He will make all things beautiful...with no confusion. He brings Peace and Joy that will overflow in our heart and bring assurance in every situation. Time To Be Very Still! (This was written some time ago but is very fitting for today.) 

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