Sunday, October 13, 2024

Don't Follow The Crowd! by Myra Boozer

When we FOLLOW the LORD, we will NOT FOLLOW the CROWD. We will take a different path, the path of Holy living, Holy speech, Holy thinking, Holy conduct, and Holy attitude. God said in His word, be ye Holy as I am Holy. Christ is coming for a holy people, a holy Church without blemish. Ephesians 5:27, "That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish."

I was taught at an early age that if in doubt about something, don't do it. If it seems to be wrong it probably is! If it doesn't bring Glory and Honor to God, leave it. Now, the crowd doesn't understand that kind of talk. They have delighted in making their rules. Do what feels good to you. Don't concern yourself about what God or anyone else might think.

If you have been following the crowd, you still have time to get out of that trap. But, I will say you can't do it on your own. You must fall upon your knees in repentance and trust God to show you the way. He says in His Word, there is a way that seems right unto man but the end is destruction. That is why we can't trust ourselves. We must have Christ to clean our hearts and our minds to know what He requires, to have ears to hear His voice.

Our guessing and hoping that we are on the right path isn't good enough. The Lord purchased our salvation and He knows the path that leads home. Unless He leads, guides, and directs our ways, we might as well stay with the crowd. This sounds strong but it is time we give strong Godly advice, because "the world" is creating strong delusion (false belief).

GOD HELP US ALL TO STAY ON THE PATH OF RIGHT LIVING...IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAVED. John chapter 10 explains to us that Jesus is the good shepherd. He gave his precious life for His sheep. He knows His sheep by name and when He calls them they FOLLOW Him...and another they will NOT FOLLOW.

If the path you're on seems crowded with lots of happy-go-lucky people...not concerned about the day we're living in...if they are still talking the same ole talk and walking the same ole walk...YOU are definitely FOLLOWING THE CROWD. "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it," Matthew 7:14. Don’t Follow The Crowd! 

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