Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Battle For Your Soul!

1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.”

The devil is like a wild animal seeking to devour you! He is attempting to destroy everything and everyone associated with God. The spirit of Antichrist is becoming stronger as each day passes. His followers are becoming more vocal and more active. Their goal is to destroy everything affiliated with Jesus Christ. This is the rise of the last days' influence of Satan setting the stage for the beast in the prophecy of Daniel and in the prophecy of John in the book of Revelation.

This conflict between good and evil has manifested itself through the centuries with an ebb and flow of severity. However, the consequences of the conflict can be directly related to the rebellion of man against the laws and sovereignty of God. This is a conflict between the Light of Heaven and the powers of Darkness. Satan’s war has always been against the Sovereignty of Almighty God and the man of flesh is his pawn in this conflict.

Although times of evil and darkness have gripped the earth in centuries past, the grand finale is still to come. Satan is preparing for his last stand. He knows his end and will do everything in his power to destroy all he can. He has targeted world governments, world leaders, Christian leaders, Christian churches, families, and individuals. His goal is to destroy order and control. He wants to create total chaos.

The course of human history is directly related to the willingness of mankind to seek after and follow the sovereign will of God. In recent years we have seen a digression from Biblical morals and values and a more rapid deviation from Biblical principles in the past decade. This behavior has brought us to where we are as a nation and as a world community.

The consequences of rebellion will rule eternity. How we respond to the voice of God will determine our future and the future of all who will hear us. We must understand where we are on God’s timetable! We must remain alert and watchful to escape the cataclysmic events just ahead! Sound the alarm!!! 

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