Monday, October 14, 2024

Early One Sunday Morning! by Myra Boozer

Early one Sunday Morning years ago as I was walking and praying for our neighborhood, I came upon a big pile of new-looking items which were bent and twisted...some sort of toys or game for children. I looked toward the house and there I could see looking out the picture window two little heads, one taller than the other, and the look on their faces was hopelessness. It actually broke my heart for they were looking at what used to be something they were no doubt happy to receive.

It had not been that long since Christmas but now it was destroyed. I could hardly deal with this! What could have happened? How could their new toys be lying on the curb? Was someone angry, or high on drugs? Was there abuse in the family? And most of all, were the little boys not only emotionally abused but also physically abused? So much was rushing through my mind. Such a sad day for them and for me, because when I looked into their little faces I too felt the pain. With a broken heart for God's little ones, I walked on and cried tears of compassion asking God to take control of whatever was going on in that house.

This is the same thing happening to many people in our world today. They are looking out with eyes of great sadness and heartbreak upon something or someone they once loved but see no hope of restoration. They see the damage and the pieces of their dreams all twisted and broken...Feeling forsaken and alone to face the future not sure what will become of them.

I wanted so badly to go and hold those little ones in my arms and make things happy for them. I wanted to comfort them. I wanted to say, it's okay we will fix it. But I am most sure there was a great stronghold in that house. It would take more than me. It would take God Almighty! I am praying for God to break the strongholds over the homes of this broken and hopeless generation today! I pray that God Almighty will become the Guardian over their lives! There is HOPE in Christ Jesus for full RESTORATION! 

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