Friday, October 4, 2024

May I Use This Breath! by Myra Boozer

“How beautiful are your ways oh Lord. Your Glory and your Good Pleasure are such a delight." I learn from the very air I breathe how vast your love is to all mankind and the creatures you have created. You blow upon this earth and we breathe. Our very Life is from your Breath. It is what sustains all of us!

Lord, may I use this breath you give to sing Praises to you Holy Name, to lift you high above the Mountains that your own breath created? You spoke all things into existence. May my heart rejoice in your Beauty and Splendor for all of my days.

May I use this breath to call upon you in a time of surrender of my will to your perfect plan. Accept my heart's cry today for I am helpless, useless, and utterly lost without your Mercy. I am as one who is groping in the darkness without you.

May I use this breath to tell someone of your great love. Some do not know or else they have forgotten just how much you love them. May my breath speak your unlimited Love to all people everywhere.

May I use this breath to speak Your Truth to those who should be ashamed, ashamed for turning away from your plan and going after their own “design” for lifestyle and behavior.

May I use this breath to sound the Alarm for all those who are far from you. Some just gave up and put down their armor. Others who just want to seek out an easy way, still claiming your Name. And yet others who have fallen asleep and do not know the times in which we live. As in the days of Noah, they see the conditions yet deny the judgment coming on all who sin.

May I use this breath to speak Hope to the hopeless and Life to the dying, Peace to the restless, and Joy to the sorrowful. May my words be uplifting and encouraging as I speak of your soon return for your Bride, Your Church, Your People, Your Chosen Ones.

May I use this breath to speak of your great treasures...the ones you have hidden in your Word...the hidden riches of secret places...that they may know that you are the Lord God of Israel...Amen and Amen…” May I Use This Breath! 

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