Thursday, October 10, 2024

Grace And Mercy Are Waiting For You! by Myra Boozer

People are leaving this world every day and going to their final destination. So much death, from little babies to the elderly. Ready or Not we will leave this world either by death or the Rapture. The big question is, “Are you ready to meet God?” Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Have you asked God to forgive you of your sins?

God has a great plan for your life here but if you seem to have missed it somehow, Grace and Mercy are still waiting for you to accept them. Forgiveness is still available for the asking. I know that sounds way too simple but God made it simple. Truth and Love have been waiting for you to open the door for them to come and invade your life like you cannot imagine. The power of the Holy Spirit wants to lift you above all the mundane living. He wants to set you on a path of Holy living where the river of Life flows freely for all who want to drink fresh, living waters. You will never thirst again!

If you are weighted down by a load of sin and regrets, it can be lifted by the prayer of repentance. You can be lifted by the wings of mercy to live in the realm of peace and joy. Yes, even in this life! There is Abundant Living for all who will surrender, give it up, let it go, and find what God has designed especially for you.

NO, it will not always be easy! It will be hard, almost unbearable at times. But the road (this life) is so much easier to travel when Jesus is your personal guide and the responsibility to fix everything is not upon your shoulders alone. You will find He is a constant help in times of need, always listening to your heart's cry and willing to carry you when you can't go on.

Jesus is never far from you and longs to be your dearest friend. He can give hope where there is none because of who He is. Seek Him while He may still be found! Isaiah 55:6, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:” Grace And Mercy Are Waiting For You! 

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