Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Remember Your Promise! by Myra Boozer

Many have made a promise to the Lord to spread His Gospel message to a lost and dying world. Maybe when you got saved, when you were in Revival hearing the Word of God and had a real "revelation" of what Hell is going to be like for all those who do not accept Christ... Maybe when you were at Youth Camp sitting around a big fire after the sun had gone down... You were given a pine cone to throw in the fire that represented your commitment to share salvation with a lost world.

All of these and more happened in my life and as a child, I knew God had a plan for me. I am sure I could have done more but it has been my life's purpose to help people know JESUS. I cannot stop now! We are too close to the coming of the Lord! More than ever, we must REMEMBER our promise to tell others. Tell people about JESUS the Son of God coming as a baby born in Bethlehem to become the Savior of the world. And, tell people about HIS SECOND COMING as KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS to establish the KINGDOM OF GOD and RULE AND REIGN FOREVER! Remember Your Promise! 

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