Saturday, October 12, 2024

God Is Amazing! by Myra Boozer

It is so very hard to comprehend what others are going through because all situations are different. But I can faintly hear, in the distance, the cries of the children and parents who have seen their homes destroyed. The ones who lost every single thing they owned. Some have lost family members but many lives have been spared in all these catastrophic events. It is amazing to me to see the devastation and how people survived. Through these events, many have learned what is really important to them, "their lives and the lives of family and neighbors."

I heard of a two-year-old comforting his Mother during the loss of everything in the California fires. He said, "It will be okay." I have heard our grand's say so many times, "I'm okay," so I understand how precious those words were to that Mom.

The daughter-in-law, while cleaning from the floods in Texas, found the family Bible opened to Solomon's Song 8:7.  "Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned," (meaning is scorned). When shown this the elderly woman said, "Isn't the Lord amazing. He always gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. Praise the Lord."

Just because you and I are not in the middle of the raging fires, severe storms, floods, calamity, or the horror of mass killings, does not mean it cannot come near to where we are and to our neighborhood. We are not exempt from what is coming on this earth in these Last Days. Daniel speaks of "it shall be for the time appointed." When will it come to us? We do not know. God help us to be mindful of our relationship with Him and ready to meet Him if something happens. It is most important, to love God and others. We need to pray for those suffering. Pray for their understanding of God and who He is. Pray they will cry out to Him during these uncertain days. Pray for those who do not have a personal relationship with Christ, that they will seek Him and find Him.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted. He calls them to come to Him to allow Him to comfort, strengthen, and renew their HOPE, to show them what He requires. If they will be willing and obedient they too can be like the woman in Texas saying, "Isn't the Lord amazing? He always gives us exactly what we need when we need it. Praise the Lord." 

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