Monday, September 30, 2024

Why Is Our World In Such A Chaotic State?

Joel 1:1-7

Joel viewed this plague of locusts an invading army descending upon the nation of Israel as the judgment of God. The call had been given to repent and return to the theocratic rule of the Lord God Jehovah. Israel had refused and rebelled against God and God’s messengers.

Our world is descending into this pit of darkness at an alarming pace. We are now observing disorder and dissension at every level of governance. It began at the national level and is bleeding down to the regional and local levels. It is affecting the small communities and individual families. 

The calamity and chaos will not stop! It will not go away! It will invariably come to your house and to mine unless the problem is addressed. As a people, we have a deep-seated spiritual problem! It goes down deep into the soul, embedding itself in the very heart of every human being. The root of the issue is SIN and an unwillingness to REPENT and TURN from that SIN. This plague and every plague of darkness draws its strength from SIN and REBELLION.

No person or group of people are immune from this disease of indifference, hatred, and darkness that has invaded our land. This is like the plague of locusts described in the book of Joel chapter 1. This plague will continue moving deliberately, methodically, and with absolute certainty unless it is challenged by the Power of Heaven.

Jesus placed His power and authority within the Body of Christ to address every ill of our ailing society. We must rise up in the power and authority of Jesus Christ and address the chaotic state of our world! We must rise up in prayer in the Holy Ghost and pray against this darkness. In the Name of Jesus, the Body of Christ has power over every demonic power and the very power of Satan himself. He can do nothing but cower in the darkness when we invoke the Name of Jesus. Jesus’ blood has conquered him and he knows he is defeated. Philippians 2:10, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;” Hell and the depth of everything in it will be cast down and give way for the Mighty Lion of Judah. Thanks be unto God who always gives us victory over all things in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God forever! 

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