Sunday, September 8, 2024

Escape The Wrath To Come! by Myra Boozer

What do you think is the purpose of the Rapture? I think it is to remove the Body of Christ from this world so the WRATH of God can be poured out, as outlined in the book of Revelation.

In the Old Testament Noah obeyed the call of God to build the ark according to God's specific instructions, providing an escape from the flood waters and saving the righteous people. In Lot's day, the people of God were removed before He rained down fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the crossing of the Red Sea, God dried up the waters and allowed the Children of Israel to pass over before he brought the waters back down on their enemy, the Egyptians. God's obedient people have always been spared the calamity of God's wrath. Through the Rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ will be spared the wrath of God. However, it will be the time for Israel to have another opportunity to recognize the Messiah and choose Him, many giving their lives for their restoration to Christ.

There are many prophecy preachers who have studied and they are presenting their finds. But, all of them can't be right which is causing much confusion. We must study the Bible in prayer for ourselves.

I believe the Rapture (the catching away) is to remove the Church, the righteous Body of Christ. The word Church is no longer used after Revelation 3. From there on we hear about the 7 Angels, 7 plagues. 7 seals, 7 vials, 7 bowls, 7 trumpets. All this appears to be Judgment and the Wrath of God and has nothing to do with the Church, the called-out ones.

I Thessalonians 5:9, "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, But to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." Please read I Thess. 4:13-18. The last verse instructs us to comfort one another with these words about the rapture. I am so thankful for this blessed Hope we have to be counted worthy to escape what is coming upon this world. Our purpose is to spread the Word of the Lord that all men can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and Escape The Wrath To Come! 

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