Friday, September 13, 2024

My Safe Place! by Myra Boozer

Life is so full of troubles, trials, and disappointments and many days our hearts can be broken because of all that is going on in our world. Neglected children, the forgotten elderly, the sick and dying, and the lonely with no one to share the day. It is a beautiful thing to know that God has a place that provides protection and shelter, a place one can turn to for help, relief, and escape. The Lord tells us He is with us at all times. But we must leave our little world of survival and focus our hearts and minds towards Him who is our refuge.

When we give all our TRUST to Him alone, then it happens! He comes and sits with us and talks with us wrapping His big arms of love around us. It is then we realize we are not alone or overtaken by any burden that He cannot handle.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to renew our mind we are actually surrendering to what is going on and receiving our life vest for survival during our storm. Spiritually, we are taken into that safe place of His protection, His pavilion and none of the things of this world can defeat us. Not that we are not there already, but when our hearts don't stay FIXED on Him, we do not REST in His PRESENCE.

We must stay awake and aware that the world will pull us in, leaving us vulnerable to Satan and his lies of defeat. BUT Jesus says come unto me ALL of you that are troubled or overtaken and I will give you REST. He is our safe place in a world of calamity. He is our shelter in the time of the storm. He is the one who lifts us up above the shadows and puts our feet on solid ground.

To really know Him is to TRUST Him...To Trust Him means that your soul will be at REST... When all around us is crumbling down...Our heart is fixed on the Lord and we are safe and secure in Him...Jesus is My Safe Place! 

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