Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Take A Stand For Truth And Justice!

Will we as a people take a stand for truth and justice? We face a difficult time ahead as political leaders jockey for position, power, and influence. For the most part, it is all just a lot of noise like a sporting event. Each side supports and vehemently defends their team and believes it doesn't matter about the process so long as our team wins. But, it really does matter how we play the game. The game builds character and integrity which embrace truth, justice, and judgment. If the process fails to yield these attributes, how can we expect a government to lead in truth and justice? It is not what we say but what we do that defines us as a person, as a church, and as a nation. God help us!

Truth and justice lay abandoned in the street, discarded as refuse in the gutter. What happened to the promise “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” and “so help me God?” What happened to the greater good of all men, rather than the selfish and ambitious views of a particular political party or social group? What happened to the preference of others and their needs over the narrow constricted view of what we want? A self-focused mentality has invaded and captured our conscious resolution and thereby affects everything we say and do. Time to Take A Stand For Truth And Justice! 

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