part 1 see 9/27/24)
must plan for the present with the end in view. We set our goals in life always
thinking of tomorrow or later. I realize that there are things in life for
which you must plan. It is best to prepare for college and career, marriage and
family, retirement, and final things. But it is very important to keep the
finish in mind, always! A correct understanding of the final things in one's
life will keep everything else in proper focus. Then we understand that our
vision of the finish will determine how we respond to every relationship in
life. No matter what decision or choice we may face, the final things will
bring a correct perspective to the matter. Ecc. 12:13, “Let us hear the
conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this
is the whole duty of man.”
life's choices are governed by our vision of final things. We realize that we
live our lives in the present tense. We are planning for tomorrow by the way we
live today. That will not only affect our lives but also those who have been
given into our care and those who share our sphere of influence on this
getting back to my little gray squirrel (see post for 9/27/24). His creator has
given him an innate sense to gather and store provisions. I am sure that what appeared
to me to be a frantic search was normal for him. That's the way squirrels are
because God created them that way. You and I are created to live on a much
higher plane. If God gives an animal an innate sense of provision for his life,
God has done so much more for us. The problem comes when we fail to communicate
with Him. My little squirrel has an automatic system built into his
consciousness for his provision. We are created higher than any other creature
in God's creation. We were made for relationship with God and each other. Our
relationship requires communication. If we fail to communicate with God, we
cannot receive instruction for our provision.
we are listening to God, He will instruct us in His plan for us today. He will
help us to understand that we live His will today so that we are in His will
tomorrow. If we follow Christ today, we have no need to worry about tomorrow.
Our life and future is secure in the grace of Jesus Christ.
2 Tim. 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
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