Thursday, September 5, 2024

Love Not The World!

1 John 2:15, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

As Christians, our focus should be on our relationship with God rather than our relationship with the world and its system. We are in the world but are not of the world if we have been born again (born from above). We have been re-born from a person of the flesh and fleshly control into a spiritual creation of the Spirit of God. Our instruction comes from God through the Holy Spirit. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God and are not dominated by the politics of this worldly system.

Are our lives affected by the world we live in? Most definitely! However, our allegiance is to a higher power, higher authority and we do not bow to the constraints of this worldly system. Although we are prisoners in this body of flesh, we are free in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our governance. Does that give us the authority to refuse the law of our land? God’s law must receive pre-eminence over any earthly law that contradicts God’s law. The law of God is greater than any earthly governance.

Today, as disciples of Jesus Christ, we find ourselves at odds with the morals and practices of our world systems of government and religion. We shouldn’t find that surprising if we are really following the tenets of the Bible. Generally, it has been that way for the people of God since the beginning. Satan has always had a system of rule and control opposing the authority of God. And He (Satan) will continue to grab all the control he can until he declares himself to be the Christ and rules the world from the temple in Jerusalem! (continued)

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