Thursday, September 19, 2024

I Run To Jesus! by Myra Boozer

When my heart can't find direction and my thoughts are running wild, I run to my Savior and I begin to cry. He dries my tears with hands of mercy and looks into my eyes. He knows my burdens and that my tears are for those for whom He died. I tell Him all my secrets and allow Him to mend my wounds. I tell Him how my heart breaks for those that I hold dear, for those who once loved Him but walked away and left Him far behind, for those who are now lonely and feeling exhausted by this life. I call out to Him and ask that He would speak softly, just call out their name. Help them to see there is a better way! Help them to see you Lord, the person that you are, the Son of God and Redeemer of this world!

Lord, would You send someone to talk to them, someone they will listen to? Maybe a neighbor, a friend, or a stranger...Someone who would remind them of the treasure they once had and cause them to quickly turn and run to You...because You will be running to them with open arms of mercy, forgiveness, and New Life. You have not forgotten them! You love them still the same! On the cross, You died for all who will call upon Your Name. I Run To Jesus! 

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