doesn't suddenly come upon a people or person without warning. In the Old
Testament, when God's people strayed from His leadership, God always sent His
Prophet to warn them of the consequences and give an opportunity for correction
and change. A good example of this is found in Isaiah 9:10, “The bricks are
fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down,
but we will change them into cedars.” Isaiah had prophesied the imminent
judgment upon the northern tribes of Israel specifically addressing the tribe
of Ephraim and the city of Samaria. Isaiah 9:9, “And all the people shall know,
even Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the pride and stoutness
of heart,...” The people's response was that they would build back bigger and
better. The chosen materials would be hewn stones and cedars which were used
for the palaces of the kings. The brick and sycamores were for the common
people. That spirit that rises up is the spirit of carnal flesh which must be
crucified. The correct response would have been to repent and return to God.
leadership of this nation followed the example of ancient Israel in response to
the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Senator Tom Daschle
stood on the floor of the US. Senate building the next day, Sept. 12. He gave
the following response to this devastating attack. “There is a passage in the
Bible from Isaiah that speaks to all of us in times like this. Isaiah 9:10,
'The bricks are fallen down, but we will rebuild them with smooth stones: the
sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars,' That is what we
will do. We will rebuild and recover. The people of America will stand together
because the people of America have always stood together, and those of us who
are privileged to serve this great nation will stand with you. God bless the
people of America.”
passage of scripture was repeatedly used in the following months in an attempt
to instill hope and inspiration. But apparently, there was no national approach
to repentance. Look at where we are today! As a nation, we are more divided
than ever before in our lifetime. Law and order in our world appear to be
dissolving right before our eyes. (Just watch the evening news). Justice and
mercy are thrown in the streets like so much refuse. Micah 6:8, “He hath shewed
thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do
justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” God has revealed
His Truth and will continue to reveal Himself to all who will receive. The
choice is ours but we must repent and return to the Lord God Jehovah.
the seeds of disobedience are sown they will bring forth fruit in due season.
But in the midst of our rebellion, God has saved us for His name's sake. You
may feel trapped where you are and may not be where you want to be. Jesus will
set you free from whatever holds you fast. Call out to Him. He will deliver
Lord God Almighty, we want to follow your direction. Help us to always hear your voice clearly. Shut out the extraneous noise that so overwhelms the thought process that we get lost in the fight. Help us to focus on the important and allow the useless to fall away. Sweep the irrelevant away and deposit it far from us. We want no interference! We want to focus on YOU alone. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! (Continued)
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