Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Worth Of Your Soul? by Myra Boozer

(I wrote this some time ago but the message is still relevant for today.)

I was awakened in the early morning hours with this thought, “The worth of a soul!” My thoughts automatically went to the scripture. "Behold, all souls are mine..." Ezekiel 18:4a. I actually went back to sleep and the thought was with me when I got up. I was searching and thinking, “The worth of a soul?” It has got to be enormous because of the price Jesus paid. He bought us with his precious blood. So we are valuable! But how valuable? What are we worth?

Some may put a great value upon themselves thinking of themselves more highly than they should. But they will never come to the value that God the Father and His Son has placed upon them. What makes something worth anything? Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it!

I found this in an article that came from Rescuing Wayward Children. "Can we imagine that the Savior, innocent of sin, who had assumed the staggering weight of the demands of justice until vessels broke and blood seeped from every pore of His suffering body, who had submitted Himself to brutal beatings, to unconscionable humiliation, to arrogant injustice, to the torture of a thirty-nine-lash scourging, to the horror of being stripped and stretched violently upon a cross, to being raised up to hang, full-body weight, from those spikes until He allowed death to overwhelm Him – can we imagine that after the Redeemer had paid that immeasurable price to ransom every individual, that He would lose interest in a sinner, give up, or stop short of His rescuing effort?"

Wow, this was overwhelming for me to read! I don't usually go that deep into my thinking about His suffering. I much rather think of His Resurrection. It makes me smile and rejoice in the fact that because He lives, I can live also.

But to find my answer I had to acquaint myself afresh with His suffering. I had to go there and experience the thoughts of what He was so willing to pay. He paid the ultimate price for me and for YOU. That puts a big price tag on us, all because of Him, not because of any good thing we have done.

It will take a revelation from the Lord for us to see people in the same light that Jesus does. "When we fix our eyes on what is really important to God it will be people." Jesus died for ALL PEOPLE! He paid the price making each one as valuable as the other. When our eyes are opened we will "see the great value and plan that God has for all people." 

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