Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jesus Knows Every Heart! by Myra Boozer

Jesus plainly told the people (the Pharisees and Scribes) when He was here on earth, that He and His Father were one. He also told them His Father gave Him the Authority to do the things He did.

Wow! They did not like that one little bit. They were so angry with him. They tried to trick Him all the time and were so ready to find fault with Him. They did not believe Him to be the Son of God. They were continually taking apart every word He spoke. Even though they knew the Word, they would not accept Him, the Word incarnate, God in the flesh!

Jesus was very clear about who He was and it was very clear to Him as to who they were because He saw their hearts. They were very religious, but they didn't want to accept Him and they didn't.

No one can fool Jesus! Even though they knew the law, they read it day and night, He saw their hearts. No matter how much knowledge one has about the Word, he must accept the Word in the flesh. JESUS is the Son of the living God! He is the ONLY way to the FATHER!

" Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; or else believe me for the very works’ sake." John 14:11 

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