Friday, June 14, 2024

God Is Not Hiding! by Myra Boozer

As the wind speaks to the leaves, they obey! They move in the direction the wind bids them to go, up, down, left, right, or in a circle. They seem to delightfully sway as though they enjoy the rhythm of the song.

When the winds get loud and rowdy everything seems to scream HELP! The trees bow so low and obey as much as possible. It is so dependent upon the tree's flexibility and the root system if they survive. Sometimes the wind is so boisterous it doesn't matter how strong the tree is, it will twist so hard that a healthy limb will pop right off. I know this because I had to place a perfectly fine-looking limb on the curb due to strong winds and pick up many smaller limbs. They had already died and were ready for removal but the green one had plans for next spring, the evidence was there with the green berries.

Actually, when I see the stirring in the trees, I sense they are just worshiping the Creator, and with such pleasure. It is a most enjoyable sight to see. We call this a summer breeze here in the South. It is most welcome, especially to the hard-working person who needs refreshing. It can make a most miserable day become enjoyable.

As I write about this, I am reminded that we cannot see the wind but we certainly see the effects of it just as I can see the effects of what God is doing in our world. I don't actually see God, but I know He is here. He is everywhere. He is working among all people on the earth to bring about His plan for these last days. From the Middle East to North Korea, China, and Europe, from the West Coast of California to the Gulf of Mexico to the East Coast of Maine, from hate that is foaming across our land to the little child being bullied by a classmate, God is working and nothing escapes His gaze.

It may appear to some that God is hiding out in the heavens. But He is moving just like the wind. He is stirring, blowing, and is about to howl because of the sin in this world. Just like the wind, God is not seen by man. John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time:" But, He is in the midst of every situation. Nothing takes Him by surprise! Man may think he has it all in the bag, that plans have been laid and the program will go as he has designed. But God, like the wind, makes the calls and man must obey, yield to His will, or be tossed to the curb.

Isaiah 46:10, "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:" 

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