Friday, June 21, 2024

Put Your Trust In Jesus! by Myra Boozer

In light of what is going on in our world today, I want to offer this prayer.

“I pray we give our attention to God more than ever and stand with Him and His Holy Word...I pray we give time to those around us as though they are family and depend on us...I pray for strength and encouragement to come just in our time of need...I pray for love to send forth its power to bring in the lonely and the hurting from the cold that has settled on our world...I pray for truth to invade our lives as a strong and mighty wind stirring in our souls...I pray for unity to prevail in the hearts of all believers so that the world might see and know that God is alive and working among us...I pray for peace to surround us like a strong light coming from the throne room of God...I pray for joy, the kind that is deep-rooted and cannot be shaken by the howling of the enemy...I pray for eyes to see the beauty that is in everything we hold...I pray for ears to hear the whispers of our babies as they pull on our heartstrings and long to be close to us...I pray for guidance from above as we travel the road we have never traveled before...It is all new and our hearts are excited but our minds question what lies ahead for each and every one of us...Trust in Him who will not leave you...Put Your Trust In Jesus!” 

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